A Celebration of the Life of David C. McGaffey

David C. McGaffey in brown leather hat and green tweed sport coat Casket display of David C. McGaffey's brown leather hat, prayer beads, a monarch butterfly, and a cross laying on top of a red Persian carpet

David C. McGaffey, Ph.D., professor, diplomat, actor, and storyteller, died in his home in Alameda, CA, on April 14 after a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Elizabeth; three daughters, Jennifer, Margaret (Colin) and Deirdre (Chad); and two grandsons, Sean and Jacob.

David, son of Donald and Rosalee, was born in Michigan in 1941, one of 6 brothers. After completing primary school in 5 years, he attended high school at Assumption in Ontario. At 15, he entered the University of Detroit, and after a two-year sabbatical, returned to complete his education with majors in theater, folklore, psychology, and math. His Catholic faith has always been a key part of his life from serving as an assistant to Fr. Panigati, Bishop of Kabul, Afghanistan, to serving as a lector, Eucharistic minister, and RCIA teacher at St. Joseph Basilica in Alameda. Read More at Legacy.com

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Portrait of the Professor as a Young Man (1950s)

David's elementary school portrait.

Portrait of the Professor as a Young Man (1950s)